Gender, serving time y laboral dependence as agents for working environment in administrative workers in a private university from Lima Metropolitana


  • Mirtha Fanny Ruiz Villar Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón



Gender, time serving, laboral dependence, working environment, organizational culture


An investigation was designed with the objective of identifying the characteristics of the working environment of a private university in Lima city and to establish if there is a significant correlation between gender, time of service and laboral dependency. Was presented from a sample of 170 people from witch 94 were men and 79 women elected in a non-probabilistic and intentional. It was applied a working environment scale from Sonia Palma (CL-SPC). It was found statistics significant differences in respect to the working environment and dimensions between genders. The women presented higher averages in their perception of Working Environment in compare to men. There was no difference statically any difference between working environment and time serving and working environment and administrative dependence. In general terms there was a medium level in relationship to global perception of the environment.


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Author Biography

Mirtha Fanny Ruiz Villar, Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón

Magíster en Administración de la Educación por la Universidad de Lima, Perú. Egresada del Programa de Maestría en Psicología Clínica y de la Salud de la Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima, Perú. Psicoterapeuta. Candidata al Doctorado en Psicología por la Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón, UNIFÉ, Lima, Perú. 



How to Cite

Ruiz Villar, M. F. (2013). Gender, serving time y laboral dependence as agents for working environment in administrative workers in a private university from Lima Metropolitana. Temática Psicológica, 9(9), 43–56.