Anxiety and defensive reactions of the accident victim and of his therapist: the importance of the treatment and its prevention
Accident, therapist, treatmentAbstract
Granel (1985) defines the Accident like behavioral, social and psychopathological phenomena; pandemia of
the 21st century, it is a Performance with sense and unconscious intention (Freud 1901). According to Freud
(1901) accident means erroneously carried-out actions, (Vergreifen in German).
A dilemma Change-Counterchange underlies in its genesis, which has turned into a Trauma, because of being
unprepared, unperformed and unconscious.
Meta-psychologically, it involves an inner accident: a Conflict of Identifications from the oldest and the most
narcissist, and the youngest, the newest and the most objective ones.
We can define the dilemma Change-Counterchange as the conflict between a new Idea that summarizes the
earliest and re newest performances); and the opposite structures, because this idea is covered with a character
excessively renewal and disruptive. And it represents a threat for the most steady structures, which are prone to
keep the basic identity of the person