History, miscegenation and identity. Ethnocultural miscegenation as totalizing essentialism


  • Rafael Ramón Ojeda Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos




ethnocultural miscegenation, mestizaje, cholificación, national identity, hybridity, mestizo subjectivity.


The historical and natural process of ethnocultural miscegenation, after its gradual stabilization as a mestizo subjectivity during the 20th century, a process that began during the 16th century with the arrival of the Spanish in Peruvian lands, has become the main reference for the idea. of Peruvian nationality and identity, establishing itself as a hybrid entity that would summarize all the alternative and possible subjectivities of Peru, until imposing itself as a hegemonic social group, resulting from that long process of de-cruising and cholification of the country, a country whose identity pattern has been facing the national symptoms of segregation, discrimination and racism, with the symbolic utopia of miscegenation as a positive post-racial context, but which, by becoming a nationalist ideological slogan imposed as a basic reference of an authentically Peruvian identity, will become a totalizing and totalizing ethnocultural homogenization project litarian, because it goes on to cover up the ethnocultural asymmetries and flaws of a country.


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Author Biography

Rafael Ramón Ojeda, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

₋ Escritor, periodista, investigador y crítico literario, Licenciado en Comunicación Social por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, con estudios en Ciencias Sociales.
₋ Docente universitario en la universidad Tecnológica del Perú
₋ Ganador del concurso de Investigaciones y Tesis del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones de la UNMSM (2009); ganador del Premio Internacional de Ensayo: “25 años del CECUPE (Paris, 2011)
₋ Coautor de volúmenes colectivos como las Actas del Simposio Internacional 7 Ensayos: 80 años (Lima - 2009); La intelectualidad peruana del siglo XX ante la condición humana, y. II (Lima - 2008) y t. III (Lima - 2011); Diccionario del Pensamiento Alternativo, Adenda (Buenos Aires - 2015); Enseñanza y aprendizaje de la Historia (Córdoba - 2018); Simposio Internacional 7 Ensayos: 90 años (Lima -2019).



How to Cite

Ramón Ojeda, R. (2019). History, miscegenation and identity. Ethnocultural miscegenation as totalizing essentialism. Comunifé, 19(XIX), 35–44. https://doi.org/10.33539/comunife.2019.n19.2439