The Peruvian cultural heritage as the path to economic and social development and national defense Its fragility to changes and innovation of the neo-modernity


  • Juan E. De Orellana Rojas Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón


Non-western heritage, intangible heritage, traditional knowledge and developing, culture and identity, memory and national defense


This study postulates that nowadays there are two specially marked currents for the development such as "neo-modernity"
and "hypermodernity". It is considered that the first one has its clearest expression in the so-called Neoliberalism which is a
continuation or the rattles of the exploitative and capitalist industrial world. Furthermore, it is believed that actually is a
mercantilist liberalism because it lives on "lobbies" and approaches or "productive flirtations" of the economic power with
the political power (and even religious). The second one come out from a conception of the world, the man, his society and
culture and plural, which can coexist, live together and be respect, and that part of the "ideological corpse" of the
postmodernism and its postulates. It is not intended to be a communist socialism, but an equal opportunities for all and an
equality of remuneration for the work. In this framework, it develops a study on the endangered non-Western heritage (even
the western, but to a lesser extent) to succeed the first current mentioned previously ; it would be a world without memory and
whose future will remain the exploitation with other masks and the depressive, demotivating and boring mega-consumerism,
without identity or civic and national consciousness.


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Author Biography

Juan E. De Orellana Rojas, Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón

Arquitecto por la Universidad Ricardo Palma. Maestría en Arquitectura en la Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal; Maestría en Restauración de Monumentos en Arquitectura y Urbanismo en la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; Especialista en Arquitectura Paisajista.
Docente principal y Jefe del Departamento de Arquitectura en la UNIFÉ. Miembro de ICOMOS, representante peruano ante el Comité Científico Internacional de Paisajes Culturales (ICOMOS IFLA) y del Comité Científico Internacional de Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial (ICICH). 



How to Cite

De Orellana Rojas, J. E. (2012). The Peruvian cultural heritage as the path to economic and social development and national defense Its fragility to changes and innovation of the neo-modernity. Consensus, 17(1), 9–29. Retrieved from


