Fundamental rights of children and adolescents from the constitutional court vision


  • María Isabel Sokolich Alva Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón



Fundamental rights, children and adolescents, constitutional court.


Article 4 of the Political Constitution embodies the commitment of the community and the state of special protection for children and adolescents; this implies the prevalence of their rights and interests to foster their development. The Convention on the Rights of the Children, inspired by the “Doctrine of Integral Protection”, recognizes them a group of civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights, whose livelihood consists of four fundamental principles: non-discrimination, interests of the child, the right to life, survival and development, and respect for children’s views in all matters affecting them.


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Author Biography

María Isabel Sokolich Alva, Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón

Fiscal Adjunto Supremo Titular de la Fiscalía Suprema Civil, ex Fiscal Superior Penal Titular, ex Fiscal Provincial de Familia Titular, Doctorando en Derecho, Magíster en Derecho Civil con mención en Derecho de Familia, Docente de la Maestría de Derecho Civil con mención en Derecho de Familia de la Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón -UNIFE, Maestría en Derecho de Familia de la Universidad San Martín de Porres y Maestría de Derecho de Familia y de la Persona de la Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo. Autora del libro “Violencia Familiar” y de diversos artículos jurídicos, expositora en diversos eventos académicos relacionados con el Derecho de Familia.



How to Cite

Sokolich Alva, M. I. (2014). Fundamental rights of children and adolescents from the constitutional court vision. Alétheia, 2(1), 125–137.