Briif concepts of learning in neuroscience


  • Luis Aguilar Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
  • Carmen Estela Montenegro Serkovic Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
  • Geraldine Salazar Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
  • Silvia Salinas Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón



Neuroscience, learning, memory, neuroplasticity


Neuroscience is a scientific discipline that seeks ro understand the quescions of organization of the nerYous system and its external manifestacion, beha,·ior. Recent research in cogniti,·e neuroscience are of great interest to che educator, the challenge roday is to understand the structural differences of the
developing brain and alterations that occur in a learning em·i.ronment. From the ncuroscience perspeccive, the conneccions that have been estabtished in the nervous  system are the product of experience, means and prior knowledge. T he process of learning i.s a relativcly permanent change in the ability to pcrform a specific bchavior because of the experience, also, it leads to changes at the cognitive leve! (cognicive maps) and genera te changes of neural networks in the nervous system. Understanding trus, the way to learn and grasp of the students ís in constant transformation, a clear example today is the study of information technologies and their impact on learning, these have enabled the use of ,·irtual em·ironmems, jobs animation and simulation, creacing digital material resources and platforms with pedagogical orientation, among others. The main challenge is to promote strategies for thc development of cognitive
skills, environmental and relnti.onal partner in the proccss of teaching and learning from neuroscience.


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How to Cite

Aguilar, L., Montenegro Serkovic, C. E., Salazar, G., & Salinas, S. (2016). Briif concepts of learning in neuroscience. Alétheia, 4(1), 14–22.