Languaje and the recess of ming: A neuro-educational proposal


  • Gabriela María de la Portilla Otoya Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas - UPC



language, speech, linguistic, hemisferes


In this article we will present how does the brain acquires and processes language in all its complexity, in the diversity of spoken liguistic structures in human beings. This magic acquisition is a complex and transcedental process, because language is the vertebral axis that nurtures our communication. In addition, this article pretends yo include the different dimensional components, like its neurological specifity. Finally, we will refer to some alterations in language and, based on this, we wull recall the importance of developming "language clasrooms", as a prevention alternative to motive linguistic abiklities from early ages.


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Author Biography

Gabriela María de la Portilla Otoya, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas - UPC

Licenciada en Educación Primaria (IPNM). Especialista en Audición, Lenguaje y Aprendizaje de la Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), docente en la carrera de Educación y Gestón del Aprendizaje de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) y se encuentra estudiando una maestría en la Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón (UNIFÉ) en Gestión, Diseño Curricular e Innovación del Aprendizaje. Fundadora y docente actual del Colegio Trener.



How to Cite

de la Portilla Otoya, G. M. (2017). Languaje and the recess of ming: A neuro-educational proposal. Alétheia, 5(1), 7–17.