Quality of training evaluation in regular basic education





quality, evaluation, feedback, performance Introducción


This paper seeks to explain the key words and strategies that formative assessment within the Peruvian Education System. Also the importance that it presents the teaching-learning process. Nowadays, teachers in their performance no only evaluate the results of their students, but also have the purpose of accompanying them and giving them feedback in the process to reach the established levels of achievement, using the specific moments of formative evaluation that indicate the stages of the student: where are going?, where are you ?, how do we continue?


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Author Biography

Zully Yeshenia Mendoza Fajardo, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Licenciada de Educación Primaria, por la Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal (UNFV), egresada del Programa de Maestría en la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM), en la mención de
Evaluación y acreditación de la calidad educativa(EACE). Docente y especialista en III ciclo EBR



How to Cite

Mendoza Fajardo, Z. Y. (2021). Quality of training evaluation in regular basic education. Alétheia, 8(1), 25–28. https://doi.org/10.33539/aletheia.2020.n8.2420