Communication without identity: faces ofa latin america with own cultural marks


  • José Luis Aguirre Alvis Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo"


Communication, idenrity, diversity


In a global current social and cultural context in which the concept of diversity takes central place seems to be important to ask what it does mean to put in common or been in community or also to understand how the  idea of diversity introduces new dimensions to the concep t of social communication in irself. The proposal is ro build a renewed
erhic for rhe "al reri ty" which involves the competences for recognition, valorizarion  and respect ro rhe diversiry. A hope for a survival seems ro be linked ro rhe idea of
rhe renewal and recuperation of dialogue. The natural presence of a di verse human been in front of us is an existencial opporrunity ro be ourselves. The presence of
rhe "other" is related directly ro rhe ability of recognirion of our own exisrence. We need ro go fu rrher rhan rhe Descartes' idea of " I rhink rherefore I exist" for a
ho pefully pracrice of "1 communicare and rhen I can be" as a project of undersranding rhar rhe process of human communication implies necessarily the recognirion of a relation between narurally diverse actors. Diversiry is rhe central meaning and sense of a human process of communication 


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Author Biography

José Luis Aguirre Alvis, Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo"

Comunicador Social. Director del SECRAD (Servicio de Capacitación en Radio y Televisión para el Desarrollo), Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo", La Paz. Bolivia.



How to Cite

Aguirre Alvis, J. L. (2009). Communication without identity: faces ofa latin america with own cultural marks. Comunifé, 9(IX), 94–113. Retrieved from