Dry gardens. Surrounding the gardens in arid areas


  • Cinzia Mulè Universidad Particular Ricardo Palma




Dry gardens, water, irrigation, grass, greenswards, meadows, Mediterranean garden, rock garden, roof garden, succulents, gravel garden, irrigated and cultivated land


At the current bioclimatic change and shortage of water in which are located some geographical areas, it has become essential reprogram and project a lot of green areas in general and private use.

For ages, these have been planned on a garden scheme not appropriate to local conditions. In general, it is discussed the concept of “grass” as a fundamental surface and unifying of the urban landscape. This implies reprogram the concept of “garden” and use of itself, even in many situations may result difficult for the user to understand, and others situations such as in California is the only solution by law.

For many people, the problem does not prevail until they realized the high maintenance expenses, and in the case of public areas, these end up in a state of total abandonment as a result of the lack of maintenance.

It is relevant to become more aware about the problem, as well as understand that there are solutions too. The crucial thing, as in everything, is study the problem, the economic environment, and the accessible budget to do the best project with balanced costs and benefits to all the community, not only a user.


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Author Biography

Cinzia Mulè, Universidad Particular Ricardo Palma

Lima, 1956. Se tituló como arquitecta por la Universidad Particular Ricardo Palma (UPRP), en 1980, inscrita en el Colegio de Arquitectos de Lima en 1981. En la Universidad de Génova obtuvo el mismo título en 1994. Beca del Ministero degli Affari Esteri italiano del 81 al 84, obteniendo el Máster en Paisajismo en Génova en 1984, inscrita en la AIAPP (Associazione Italiana di Architettura del Paesaggio) desde 1986. Inscrita al Ordine di architetti di Roma desde 1995. Concursos: 1983-1984 Proyecto ganador ¬ex - aequo “Parco Urbano dei Forti” Genova. 1988 Proyecto ganador “Concorso appalto I.A.C.P. Prov. Di Roma” para el proyecto de las áreas
verdes del complejo residencial Corviale Sud. 1996 Proyecto ganador del Concurso “Punti Verdi Qualità” Comune di Roma. 2008 Proyecto Mencionado Concurso reservado con invitación para la proyectación, organización y gestión de las áreas verdes de las propiedades ACEA spa (Sociedad eléctrica). Desde 1985 inició la colaboración profesional con el Arq. Franco Pirone con el que funda el Studio Integrato di Architettura del Paesaggio que se ocupa de proyectos sea en el ámbito paisajístico arquitectónico y de restauración arquitectónico paisajística. Ha realizado obras principalmente en Roma, Latina, Avellino, Valledolmo (Sicilia), Acvquila, Pietrasanta, Sperlonga, Cortona, Arezzo, Bracciano y, en Albania, en Tirana y Durazzo. 



How to Cite

Mulè, C. (2019). Dry gardens. Surrounding the gardens in arid areas. Consensus, 23(1), 53–68. https://doi.org/10.33539/consensus.2018.v23n1.1476


