Academic social environment and the self-concept in students in a national education institute from Lima north


  • Jorge Alberto Flores Morales Universidad César Vallejo
  • Lidia Neyra Huamaní Universidad Enrique Guzmán y Valle



Social climate, self-concept, self-esteem, adolescents, school violence.


The goal of the research was to determine the correlation between the quality of the school social
climate and the self-concept. This research was basic, of descriptive level, correlational design
and quantitative approach. The census population comprised a total of 164 students from a
public school, with ages between 16 and 18 years old. The technique used was the survey. The
instrument to collect data was the questionnaire to evaluate the social climate in the institution
(CECSE), created from the items of California School Climate and Safety Survey adapted by
Trianes, et al (2006). Besides, the questionnaire of self-concept GARLEY de Belén García Torres.
For the reliability of both instruments, it was needed Cronbach’s alpha, which results were: 0.73
for the school social climate variable and 0.77 for the self-concept variable.
In this research the conclusion was that there is a connection between the school social climate and
the self-concept, showing a positive correlational coefficient rs=0.495**, p value = 0.000<0.05
in students of eleventh to twelfth secondary grade in the institution. Besides, there is no difference
in the perception of self-concept of male and female students, since they both have a high level.
Likewise, in the case of school climate, they consider the environment as positive.


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Author Biographies

Jorge Alberto Flores Morales, Universidad César Vallejo

Doctor en Administración de la Educación de la
Universidad César Vallejo (UCV) y Magister en Administración de la Educación de Universidad
Marcelino Champagnat-Lima. Licenciado en Psicología en la Universidad Federico Villarreal
y en Educación de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú y Bachiller en Teología por la
Facultad de Teología Pontificia y Civil de Lima. Actualmente sigue estudio de Doctorado en
Psicología de la UCV. Trabaja como docente universitario en proyecto y desarrollo de tesis y
en el área psicopedagógica.

Lidia Neyra Huamaní, Universidad Enrique Guzmán y Valle

Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación y Magister en Didáctica
de la Comunicación por la Universidad Enrique Guzmán y Valle. Licenciada en Lenguaje
y Literatura por la Universidad Marcelino Champagnat-Lima. Actualmente trabaja como
docente en la Universidad Enrique Guzmán y Valle y el Post Grado de la Universidad César
Vallejo. Trabajó (2007 al 2011) en el Programa Nacional de Formación y Capacitación
(PRONAFCAP) en el cual, se desempeñó como Capacitadora y monitora en el Área de
Comunicación. Publicó textos: Comprensión y producción textual (2011), Lingüística textual
y Comprensión lectora (2008). Además, módulos y separatas.



How to Cite

Flores Morales, J. A., & Neyra Huamaní, L. (2016). Academic social environment and the self-concept in students in a national education institute from Lima north. Consensus, 21(1), 71–83. 2016.v21n1.984


