Scientific Rigor Level of Master’s Thesis in Education - Case Study: Public University


  • Edith Chambi Mescco Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos



Scientific Rigor Level, Thesis of Master, Educational research.


The present research had as objective to identify, through evaluation, scientific rigor level of
the masters’ theses in education of a public university. We used the documentary analysis
technique; an instrument was made to evaluate the master´s thesis and was validated by the
experts judgment technique. The population was made of a total of 126 master’s theses
published between the years 2012 and 2014, and of a quantitative type, a sample of 72
master’s theses were taken for analysis applying stratified sampling per year publication
and were selected randomly. We evaluated each of the theses that were obtained from the
Education Faculty Library. We evaluated each of the theses that were retrieved from the
Education Faculty Library and we identified to what level they belonged on a scale of five:
high, very high, medium, low and very low. After the descriptive statistical analysis, we can
determine that most of the theses correspond to the average level of Scientific Rigor.


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Author Biography

Edith Chambi Mescco, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Licenciada en Educación Secundaria de la Universidad
Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, candidata a magíster en Educación con mención Evaluación
y Acreditación de la Calidad de la Educación, egresada de la Maestría en Lingüística de la
Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas de la misma universidad. Diplomatura en Gestión y
Acreditación de Instituciones Educativas en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Docente
de las asignaturas de Lenguaje, Literatura, Comunicación, Comprensión y Producción de textos.
Ha sido capacitadora en dominio de las rúbricas de evaluación docente dirigida a los formadores
del MINEDU. Actualmente, Especialista psicopedagógica en la Universidad Privada del Norte.



How to Cite

Chambi Mescco, E. (2017). Scientific Rigor Level of Master’s Thesis in Education - Case Study: Public University. Consensus, 22(1), 37–47.


