Formative evaluation: implementation and main challenges present on schools or higher education




Formative evaluation, Basic regular education, school context, Higher education.


The concept of Formative Evaluation (FE) refers to a theming of interest in current educational politics. Its revision is needed specifically, when applied to the Peruvian context, in the interest of searching answers to the ever growing education emergency caused by its current sanitary crisis. From this premise, a documental analysis that integrates the inquiry and the systematization of regulatory frameworks and its theoretical-scientific background is proposed. With this approach, it’s been concluded that some fundamental components of a FE can be identified as keeping awareness, taking of decisions, a constant improvement, reflexive revision, self-regulation and learning autonomy. Therefore, it’s established that, its implementation can very well be considered effective, if a balance of regulatory dispositions from early schooling to higher education is achieved. Thus, the role of teacher implies one mayor challenge: It is necessary to guarantee the specialization and the effective pedagogical performance of the educator through all levels of education.


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Author Biography

Marcela Emperatriz Beriche Lezama, Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón

Cursa estudios de Doctora en Educación (UNIFÉ), Magister en Educación en la especialidad de Didáctica de la Lectura y Escritura (UPCH). Tiene estudios concluidos de Maestría en Tecnología Educativa (UNIFÉ), Licenciada en Educación (UNIFÉ) y con Segunda especialidad en Formación Magisterial (PUCP).
Se desempeña como docente universitaria en tres universidades UNIFE, UARM y USIL. También se desempeña como consultora y asesora pedagógica de programas y proyectos educativos; capacitadora de docentes en servicio a nivel nacional. Elabora textos de formación docente y textos escolares. Experiencia
en asistencia técnica y sistematización de programas y proyectos educativos. Amplia experiencia como docente de educación básica. 



How to Cite

Beriche Lezama, M. E., & Medina Zuta, P. (2021). Formative evaluation: implementation and main challenges present on schools or higher education. Educación, 27(2), 201–208.