A Systematization of a Research-based Reading Rssessment in Two Middle School Students


  • Isaac Valer Huamán Instituto Pedagógico El Nazareno de Huanta




Science of reading, Simple View of Reading, reading assessment, literacy instruccion, fluency, decoding, encoding


The main objective of the present study is to systematize an experience of a research-based  reading assessment of two middle school students from a public school in Manhattan, New York during the Fall 2022. In order to select the assessment tests, I asumed the Science of Reading along with the Simple View of Reading perspectives. The tests applied addresed to assess students in three aspects: decoding, fluency, and encoding (spelling). Results showed that, in a nutshell, students are reading below their grade; nevertheless, the fact that they are Colombian inmigrants living one year in the U.S., may explain their results on the assessment tests. In the discussion section, I put into perspective the student’s assessments’ results with their context and personal background in order to have a broader understanding of their reading skills. The implication of this study is to acknowledge the necessity to use research-based assessment  to make the best decision in order to improve student’s reading skills.       


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How to Cite

Valer Huamán, I. (2023). A Systematization of a Research-based Reading Rssessment in Two Middle School Students. Educación, 29(2), e3087. https://doi.org/10.33539/educacion.2023.v29n2.3087