Use of MT and CAT tools in a translation company: a case study




Translation tools, Computer-Assisted Translation, SmartCat, Machine Translation, DeepL


A competent translators trivestosta y updated andembraces new technologies to produce precise and effective translations in an ever-evolving world. This article focused on understanding the significance translators attribute to the use of machine translation (MT) and computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools in a translation company. The approach taken was qualitative, basic in nature, and descriptive, employing an instrumental case study design. Participant selection involved intentional informant sampling and included a manager, a translator, and a reviewer from a translation company in the capital of Peru. An interview script was used for data collection. The findings highlighted the appreciation of both tools, with a particular emphasis on the utility of CAT tools. Additionally, it was concluded that MT tools prove beneficial as long as revision and post-editing are carried out, with DeepL standing out in this category. Lastly, it was determined that CAT tools play a significant role due to their effectiveness and function in the translation process, with special attention to translation memory, such as SmartCat.

Author Biographies

Mercedes Mariceli Iturria Quispe, Universidad César Vallejo - Escuela de Traducción e Interpretación Lima - Perú

Licenciada en Traducción e Interpretación por la Universidad César Vallejo, Colegiada en el Colegio de Traductores del Perú, traductora autónoma y docente en lengua extranjera.

Gianella Margoriet Bazalar Vargas, Universidad César Vallejo - Escuela de Traducción e Interpretación Lima - Perú

Licenciada en Traducción e Interpretación por la Universidad César Vallejo, Colegiada en el Colegio de Traductores del Perú, traductora autónoma en textos económicos financieros



How to Cite

Iturria Quispe, M. M. ., & Bazalar Vargas, G. M. . (2023). Use of MT and CAT tools in a translation company: a case study. Mantsiari, 1(1), 19–37.


