Conservative, preventionist, equitable, or threatening? Discursive positions about family socialization on the sexual onset of youth


  • Karla Alejandra Contreras Tinoco Universidad de Guadalajara


Family socialization, sexual onset, discursive positions, youth


Through this paper I attempt to understand the discourses by which the family socializes sexuality and the sexual onset of youth in Ocotlan, Mexico and Antofagasta, Chile. I opted for a qualitative methodology, employing a critical socio-constructivist paradigm designed to gather biographic-narrative information. The analysis of information was carried out according to what Montañes-Serrano (2013) proposes, consisting in the identification of discursive positions. 54 young students participated in the study, 27 women and 27 men of mid-level education aged 15 to 19. Among the results, we find the emergence of hegemonic and dominant positions as conservatives and traditionalists. As well as discursive positions: preventionists and threatening norms. Finally, there are positions that are more aligned with equity and young people’s sexual rights.


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Author Biography

Karla Alejandra Contreras Tinoco, Universidad de Guadalajara

Magister en Psicología Social, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile. Licenciada en Psicología Universidad de Guadalajara, México. Líneas de investigación: género, sexualidad, maternidad y cuerpo. Becaria de la Agencia de Cooperación Chilena durante el 2013-2015 para realizar sus estudios de Magister. Mejor promedio de generación de Magister y Licenciatura. Docente de la Universidad de Guadalajara



How to Cite

Contreras Tinoco, K. A. (2016). Conservative, preventionist, equitable, or threatening? Discursive positions about family socialization on the sexual onset of youth. Avances En Psicología, 24(1), 59–72. Retrieved from