Anxiety, depression, and PTSD during lockdown: A longitudinal study




anxiety, depression, PTSD, lockdown


Background: The period of lockdown has brought negative psychological consequences worldwide. In particular, problems of anxiety, depression and stress have been exacerbated. Aim: This research analyses the evolution and relationship of anxiety, depression and PTSD at the beginning and end of lockdown and at the beginning of the so-called “new normality” in Spain. Method: The present research assessed a sample of 67 adults from the general population aged 18-56 years from the Region of Murcia, Spain, using the STAI questionnaire for anxiety, BDI-II for depression and EGS-R for PTSD. The sample was collected longitudinally between 20th and 22th March 2020 (T1), 11th and 18th May 2020 (T2), and 1st and 9th September 2020 (T3). Results: Elevated levels of depression were found to be a risk factor for increased PTSD symptomatology during lockdown. Prevalences ranged across the three measures from 10.5% - 27.3% for state anxiety, 22.4% - 28.3% for depression and 18.4% - 21.2% for PTSD. In addition, PTSD, anxiety and depression decreased over the time of lockdown; however, cluster analysis showed that one group of subjects increased their levels of PTSD over the time of lockdown. Conclusions: The general population has been significantly affected in their mental health during the pandemic, reflecting a need for adequate psychological support to address these problems.


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Author Biographies

José Luis Vicente Escudero, Universidad de Murcia, Facultad de Psicología, Departamento de Personalidad, Evaluación y Tratamiento Psicológico, Murcia, España

Psicólogo Sanitario. Estudios de doctorado en la Universidad de Murcia. Ha publicado dos artículos en revistas internacionales y de impacto (Anales de Psicología- JCR Q2; y Escritos de Psicología- Latindex, como autor principal). Actualmente trabaja en el Programa de Evaluación, Diagnóstico y Tratamiento Psicológico para Menores Maltratados Tutelados (PEDIMET), el cual se desarrolla en el Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca y gestiona la Universidad de Murcia.

Andrea Melchor, Universidad de Murcia, Facultad de Psicología, Departamento de Personalidad, Evaluación y Tratamiento Psicológico, Murcia, España

Psicóloga Sanitaria y Forense. Estudios de doctorado en la Universidad de Murcia. Actualmente trabaja como psicóloga sanitaria en una residencia de personas mayores de la Región de Murcia, España.



How to Cite

Vicente Escudero, J. L. ., & Melchor, A. . (2022). Anxiety, depression, and PTSD during lockdown: A longitudinal study. Avances En Psicología, 30(2), e2595.