Formation of healthy psychological structures: affections as a source of stimulation


  • Martha Inés Leiva Meza Centro de Desarrollo Humano



gross motor function, fine motor function, language, healthy personality development


This project begins with prenatal sensory stimulation in order to improve the baby´s quality of life, finding ways to manage the pregnant´s tranquility, returning better levels of emotional stability and controlling high levels of hormones related to stress which alter the organization of the baby´s neurological maturing, as well as contributing to produce well-being hormones which strengthen cerebral maturity. This also contributes to child formation at early ages developing his/her psychological maturing, taking into account the configuration of affections in the mother, the child, the couple as well as search of the family unity. The main objective is prenatal and postnatal development of the child and it  involves the pilars related to his/her development, which are the mother, the father, the couple and the family


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Author Biography

Martha Inés Leiva Meza, Centro de Desarrollo Humano

Licenciada y Magister en Psicología por la Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega - Perú. Estudios de Postgrado en Trastornos de lenguaje en niños y adolescentes en el Centro de Referencia Latinoamericano CICOPED- Cuba. Curso de Educación postgrado Estimulación temprana y educación prenatal. Universidad de Murcia - España. Psicoterapeuta del niño y familia, especialista en Estimulación temprana y prenatal. Creadora del Programa de Estimulación Sensorial Prenatal 1985, certificado por el Instituto de Investigación del Tacto de la Universidad de Miami- EE.UU. Directora del Centro de Formación “Family´s House”.



How to Cite

Leiva Meza, M. I. . (2008). Formation of healthy psychological structures: affections as a source of stimulation. Avances En Psicología, 16(1), 155–168.