About the Journal


ISSN: 1812-9536

e-ISSN: 2708-5007



AVANCES EN PSICOLOGÍA is a publication of the Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón (Peru). Faculty of Psychology and Humanities, Department of Psychology, published biannually (January-July; August-December). The journal is aimed at promoting and diffusing research and intellectual production of professional psychologists and professionals from related sciences.


The publishing of the journal began in 1993 under the title of Revista de Psicología, in total, 3 issues were published. In 1996, the name of the journal was changed to AVANCES EN PSICOLOGÍA starting with an annual publication, Volume 4(1). Since 2012, the journal has been continuously published every six months. Since 2020, the journal has been solely published in digital version. The number of articles published corresponds to the publishing flow of the journal.


The topics of the published researches consider the broad spectrum of Psychology and its specialties of clinical, educational, social, and organizational Psychology -Original and unpublished articles are published in Spanish, English, or Portuguese. The thematic coverage of this publication, according to the classification adopted by Scielo Perú, is Applied Social Sciences, considering the area CODE Social Sciences. The journal is aimed at professionals and students of Psychology, Philosophy, and related sciences.


The contents of AVANCES EN PSICOLOGÍA, used during the elaboration and presentation of papers, are based on the standards for scientific communication proposed by the American Psychology Association (APA), in its APA Manual of Scientific Publications (2019, 7th English edition).


AVANCES EN PSICOLOGÍA is an Open-Access scientific journal. The purpose of such journal is to publish original articles containing theoretical or empirical research articles, therapeutic experiences, case studies, and review articles, from different areas of Psychology. The call for papers is permanent, and subject to the established editorial characteristics, especially blind peer review. The content of each article bears the sole responsibility of its author(s) and does not involve the opinion of the journal.

The journal is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.O license (CC BY 4.0) license, provided the name of the authors and Avances en Psicología, and its respective credits -are acknowledged, without making commercial use of the articles. It also adheres to the 2002 Budapest Open Access Initiative.

The author may choose to deposit the preprint version of the submitted manuscript in a repository.



It is currently included in:  EBSCO: Electronic Journals Service, LATINDEX  (Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal), ROAD (Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources - ISSN). ALICIA (Acceso Libre e Información Científica para la Innovación).




Avances en Psicología is a biannual academic publication (January-July; August-December).


Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón. Vice Rectorate for Research.

Internal Standards for Research and Innovation 2022- (approved in C.U N. 1479 of November 24, 2021). Vice Rectorate for Research, p. 77.