An experience of how reflecfion and the use of newtechnologies may help in training preceptors more critical of mass media
Critical appreciation, Gender approach, School radio station, Digital radio and schoolAbstract
This paper summarizes che work of an educommunicative experience with students from a deprived zone of Lima, whose objective was to introduce teachers and students into the
critica! appreciation of mass media with a gender approach. Firstly, the project was focused on How toread media ji-o m a critica! and genderperspective?, working with group dynamics and printed, audiovisual and digital material, which would allow teachers (of both genders) to ha ve tools for dealing with the subject and to be able for discussing it with their students in class. Secondly, the project was challenged to make a group of students who are aware of the subject to receive technical training on the use of new radio technologies, as well as on the use of radio formats and production techniques in order to produce rheir own messages with gender approach. Nowadays, this group, called Club de Comunicadores Communicators Club), periodically issues a radio magazine for che educacional community of Fe y Alegria school N° 43. Likewise, both female and male teachers have a methodological guide, fruit of the work done and evaluated in each ofits stages, allowing them to easily incorporare such an important subject in class.