The society of the disposable and other vicissitudes of the postmodern world


  • Manuel Arboccó de los Heros Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos



Postmodernity, individualism, existentialism, consumerism, existential vacuum, the selfie culture, lack of communication, human relations


In the past thirty or forty years, approximately postmodern society points out a particular
time fraught with changes and distinctive characteristics in social, moral, economic and
cultural aspects. In general terms, it is a society with a high level of production and mass
consumption, where technology is pervading, and media figures pop up and disappear
(small idols); a society with a rampant relativism, a plurality of options of all kinds, a calling
into into question (if not fall) of great dogmas, a culture of the image along with a defense
of individualism and sometimes a misunderstood “Psychology of success”, as well as an
almost obsessive quest for happiness that is in contrast to high levels of anxiety, stress and
existential vacuum. In sum, a complex society as always have been human societies but that
has broken in a short time a lot of the classic and traditional. With their possibilities and
with their tragedies, like many others. We present this small essay on the culture of these
times, in the hope, as always, of contributing to the academic debate


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Author Biography

Manuel Arboccó de los Heros, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Psicólogo y psicoterapeuta. Magister en Psicología por
la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Profesor Universitario. Docente en la Facultad de
Psicología y Trabajo Social de la Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega y docente en la Universidad
Femenina del Sagrado Corazón. Con Formación Psicoterapéutica en Análisis Transaccional y
en Logoterapia. Miembro de la Asociación Peruana de Psicología Fenomenológico Existencial
(APPFE) y de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Psicoterapia Existencial (ALPE). Articulista del
Diario Oficial El Peruano desde el año 2014.



How to Cite

Arboccó de los Heros, M. (2017). The society of the disposable and other vicissitudes of the postmodern world. Consensus, 22(1), 69–82.


