Global perspective of inclusive education, in Chile and south american main countries


  • Romina Esparza Manríquez Universidad San Sebastián



Special educational needs (SEN), inclusive paradigm, public policies, teacher training, segregation.


 Literature review demonstrates the challenge that the educational system faces in connection with a model of inclusion. Inclusive pedagogy is mentioned, targeting all students, specially, those who has been excluded from educational opportunities, such as kids that present some type of Special Educational Needs. In this context and taking into account the current public policies, it is necessary to review the current context, both in Chile and South American countries, envisage these new proposals. In spite of all the laws and proclamations, it is established that the main problems reside in the scarce teacher training for the attention of diversity, lack of resources destined to special education and persistence of segregating students with different capabilities being necessary to reformulate the regulation that governs the inclusion of these children to the society.


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Author Biography

Romina Esparza Manríquez, Universidad San Sebastián

Fonoaudióloga titulada el año 2011 por la Universidad San Sebastián (Chile). Diplomada en Estrategias Psicoeducativas en niños con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (2016). Magíster en Educación Diferencial, mención: Lenguaje, Audición y Comunicación (2017).

Experiencia en Docencia Clínica en la carrera de Fonoaudiología en la Universidad de las Américas e Instituto Profesional Pro Andes. Actualmente es docente de la carrera de Psicopedagogía en el Instituto Profesional AIEP en Santiago de Chile.



How to Cite

Esparza Manríquez, R. (2019). Global perspective of inclusive education, in Chile and south american main countries. Educación, 25(1), 33–42.