The reflective pedagogical portfolio in the promotion of critical learning in education students




Reflective pedagogical portfolio, critical learning, critical action research in the classroom.


The research problem was what are the pedagogical conceptions, rationality, emotionality, practices, tools and instruments that underlie and are handled in the teaching and evaluation process of the pedagogical portfolio? And what pedagogical conceptions should we assume and  what practices and instruments should we develop in the teaching and evaluation of the pedagogical portfolio to promote the critical learning of the students who participate in the courses that I develop? We worked with a qualitative approach and the leading critical action research modality
in the classroom. The participants were 30 students from the academic programs of Initial Education, Primary, Communication and Computing of the Institute of Higher Education Pedagogical Public “Indoamérica” of Trujillo, Perou. The process followed was: diagnosis on the use of the portfolio, proposal and application of a reflective portfolio improvement plan. The quantitative results were processed through the SPSS 22 program, specifically the “t” with 29 degrees of freedom and the qualitative ones through the systematization-reflection workshops. The results show that the reflective pedagogical portfolio promotes the learning of critical thinking progressively. Likewise, the achievements and difficulties of using the portfolio as a learning-teaching
tool are highlighted.


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Author Biography

Napoleón Santiago Carbajal Lavado, Escuela Superior de Formación Artística Pública Bellas Artes Macedonio de la Torre, Perú

Licenciado en Educación Secundaria: especialidad Ciencias Sociales. Bachiller en Educación y en Derecho. Título de Segunda Especialidad Profesional en Tecnología Educativa mención: Currículo y enseñanza
aprendizaje. Maestro en Pedagogía Universitaria y Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación. Obtenidos en la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo. Docente contratado en Pregrado y Docente invitado en el programa de Posgrado programa Doctorado de Ciencias de la Educación en la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo. Docente de
Post Grado en los programas de Maestría en Educación en la Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego y Universidad César Vallejo. Director General de la Escuela Superior de Formación Pedagógica Pública Indoamérica y Director General de la Escuela Superior de Formación Artística Pública Bellas Artes
Macedonio de la Torre. 



How to Cite

Carbajal Lavado, N. S. (2021). The reflective pedagogical portfolio in the promotion of critical learning in education students. Educación, 27(1), 11–31.