Learning through life. Reflexions about the pandemic. The peruvian experience in non formal education





Permanent Learning. Pandemic and Education. Non-Formal, Popular, Community Education. Van Leer Ate Vitarte. Adult Education.


This essay intends to highlight the perspectives of Lifelong Learning, together with the contributions of Non-formal, Popular and Community Education. It is based on the analysis of Education and Learning in this global pandemic, which has affected the performance of the Education, Health, Employment, and Transport sectors, creating an environment of insecurity and uncertainty in the family, school, and work and community groups. Education was delivered through distance programs, virtual with digital technology for more than a year and the conclusion is that new paradigms must be introduced. Curricular homogeneity and an economic vision of education are questioned, leading to reflections on the educational agents, as well as the roles and interactions between school, family and community. Learning is only at the school level or there are other possibilities, as has been seen in communities where the digital divide is very wide. Meaningful examples are provided of Non-formal Education and Action-Reflection-Action methodologies that lead to a development of critical thinking, where adult education and early years education converge with testimonies of coordinating teachers, specialists, educators and promoters whose life stories have been followed for nearly four decades. These experiences and lessons learned constitute important proposals when facing the current emergency in the education field.


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Author Biography

Martha Llanos Zuloaga, Miembro Honorario de la OMEP

Estudio Psicología en la Universidad Católica del Perú y sus post-grados en Strathclyde (Escocia) Maestría y Doctorado en Nijmegen (Holanda) en Psicología Social y del Desarrollo. Su permanente misión es el florecimiento de los niños pequeños, pionera en el campo del desarrollo infantil, fue la primera Asesora
Regional del UNICEF para América Latina y el Caribe y Asia del Sur, su labor reconocida con el premio mundial Natalie Masse de Pediatría Social otorgado en 1988 por el Centro  Internacional de la Infancia con sede en Paris, Francia, también premiada como Profesora Honoraria e Investigadora por la Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón del Perú. Actualmente es Consultora Internacional
dedicada a la evaluación y diseño de programas integrados de desarrollo infantil y al desarrollo  políticas para el cumplimiento de los derechos
de la niñez.



How to Cite

Llanos Zuloaga, M. (2021). Learning through life. Reflexions about the pandemic. The peruvian experience in non formal education. Educación, 27(2), 175–199. https://doi.org/10.33539/educacion.2021.v27n2.2432