The new challenges of the right to identity in Peru: from hetero assignment to self-determination




Right to identity, gender identity, trans people, LGTBI, selfdetermination


This study analyzes the current situation of the constitutional model for the recognition of gender identity in force in Peru, a hetero-assigned model that has been replicated in specific cases before the ordinary courts and that is read separately from the recent Advisory Opinion OC-24/17 of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. There has been an important jurisprudential development  in constitutional matters that has reached the recognition of a right to gender identity; however, it is necessary to delve into the problem that now focuses on the form and scope of this recognition, where self-determination is presented as a pending and necessary challenge from the perspective of Human Rights.


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Author Biography

Maria-Pía Guadalupe Díaz Díaz, Universidad de Turín

Magíster en Derecho Constitucional por la Universidad de Sevilla (España). Magíster en Estudios Interdisciplinares de Género por la Universidad de Salamanca (España). Ex Becaria Universidad de Salamanca. Doctoranda en Derecho en la Universidad de Turín (Italia). Miembro de la Asociación de Derecho Público Comparado y Europeo (Italia).



How to Cite

Díaz Díaz, M.-P. G. (2020). The new challenges of the right to identity in Peru: from hetero assignment to self-determination. Persona Y Familia, (9), 221–242.