Reflections on the treatment of filiation in Peru


  • María Isabel Sokolich Alva Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón



Family Law, filiation, extramarital filiation


The parentage is "generic sense" the relationship of a person with all his ancestors, while in "strict sense" is the relationship that linksparents with their children; in that context, both marital and extramarital filiation there related questions, from one side, with the presumption "pater is est que1r1: nuptiae demonstrant", whereby the child of a married woman whose husband 's father, and, secondly, in relation to the scope of recognition of the illegitimate child and character irrevocable. This article aims to reflect on the most relevant aspects of descent in Peru


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Author Biography

María Isabel Sokolich Alva, Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón

Fiscal Adjunto Supremo Titular de la Fiscalía Suprema Civil, ex Fiscal Superior Penal Titular, ex Fiscal Provincial de Familia Titular, Doctorando en Derecho, Magíster en Derecho Civil con mención en Derecho de Familia, Docente de la Maestría de Derecho Civil de la Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón -UNIFÉ. Autora del libro "Violencia Familiar" y de diversos artículos jurídicos, expositora en diversos eventos académicos relacionados con el Derecho de Familia.



How to Cite

Sokolich Alva, M. I. (2012). Reflections on the treatment of filiation in Peru. Persona Y Familia, 1(1), 59–68.