Favorable aspects of mother-child non-verbal communication in the construction of the psyche from the Aulagnier Approach


  • Silvia Osores Queirolo Colegio Leonardo Da Vinci, Lima - Perú




mother-child non-verbal communication, construction of the psyche, primary violence, secondary violence, negative desire


 This article on the favorable aspects of mother-child non-verbal communication in the construction of the baby’s psyche is developed from the psychoanalytic approach of Piera Aulagnier (1988; 1991) and includes her vision from the moment in which the woman wishes to be a mother until the baby’s first year of life. The concepts reviewed are primary violence, secondary violence, representation and negative desire. Likewise, the study is complemented by the theoretical vision of Fonagy (2013), Pichon-Riviere (1950), Spelt (1937) and Spitz (1959; 1963b), among others, for whom mother-child communication is essential for development of the infant’s psyche from the moment of conception.


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How to Cite

Osores Queirolo, S. (2022). Favorable aspects of mother-child non-verbal communication in the construction of the psyche from the Aulagnier Approach. Avances En Psicología, 30(2), e2631. https://doi.org/10.33539/avpsicol.2022.v30n2.2631