Experiencias infantiles y trastornos en la sexualidad en jóvenes universitarias de Lima- Perú


  • Ysis Roa Mego Universidad San Martin de Porres




Mother, women, feminine sexuality, infantile experiences, dysfunctions in the sexuality, university


The objectives of the present study were to determine the incidence and prevalence of the dysfunctions in the female sexuality of the representative sample of university students from Lima, as well as to specify the relationship between the infantile experiences and the dysfunctions in the sexuality. An anonymous survey was elaborated for it, containing 12 scales on diverse aspects of the female sexuality. Among the main results we emphasize the following ones: the analysis of dependability and validity of the test are good, a significant relationship exists between the infantile experiences and  the dysfunctions in the sexuality of the university youths. The data indicate that a good a relationship with the mother associates in lineal and significant way with the vital importance of the maternity and in inverse form with the indicators of neurotic symptoms and the sexual dysfunctions.


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Author Biography

Ysis Roa Mego, Universidad San Martin de Porres

Licenciada en Psicología y Maestría en Salud Pública con mención en Salud Reproductiva por la Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal. Investigadora asociada del Centro de Investigaciones Científicas. Coordinadora responsable y encargada del Área de Sexualidad y Psicoterapia Comunitaria de la Asociación por la Defensa de las Minorías. Docente de la Universidad de San Martin de Porres.



How to Cite

Roa Mego, Y. (2006). Experiencias infantiles y trastornos en la sexualidad en jóvenes universitarias de Lima- Perú. Avances En Psicología, 14(1), 73–98. https://doi.org/10.33539/avpsicol.2006.v14n1.2871