Impulsivity in sales managers and merchants




impulsivity, cognitive impulsivity, motor impulsivity, unplanned impulsivity, sales managers, merchandisers



 The objective of this research was to identify the level of impulsivity in sales managers and merchandisers. The research has an explanatory scope and non-experimental cross-sectional design. The population was compase of the sales force personnel working in the 15 branches distributed in the city of Lima, Central East, North and South of the country. The following in­clusion criteria were taken into account: workers who agreed to participate in the evaluation, workers who work in one of the 15 locations of the company and workers who work in the po­sition of sales manager or merchandiser. The sample consisted of 698 workers. The instruments applied were a sociodemographic data questionnaire and the Barratt-BIS 11 Impulsivity Scale. During statistical processing, frequencies, percentages and means were applied. Thus, it could be concluded that there are medium and high levels of impulsivity, highlighting the dimensions of motor impulsivity and unplanned impulsivity.


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Author Biography

Tatiana Cuti Ruiz, Integra Salud

Psicóloga corporativa de la empresa Arca Continental (embotelladora y distribuidora de Coca Cola Company). Egresada de la maestría en Piscología Clínica y de la Salud (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos), estudiante de la Segunda Especialidad en Terapia Cognitivo Conductual (Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal), con amplia experiencia en el campo de seguridad y salud del trabajador.



How to Cite

Cuti Ruiz, T. (2023). Impulsivity in sales managers and merchants. Avances En Psicología, 31(2), e2969.