Ludocrearte educational methodology and its impact on creativity of fifth grade secondary school students




Creativity, educational game, mass media, teaching methods, secondary school


The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effect of the educational methodology of an audiovisual production workshop on the creativity of fifth year secondary school students in a parish school for girls in Lima metropolitan area. The study presents a mixed quasi-experimental design with a descriptive - explanatory scope. The sample was made up of twenty students, half of whom were in the control group and the other half in the experimental group. LUDOCREARTE educational methodology consists of involving play as the main tool for learning and has three fundamental pillars: audiovisual technique and its application; the student’s apprehension through play and experience; and the enjoyment of doing. The students’ creativity was measured with the Multifactorial Evaluation of Creativity test (EMUC). It is concluded that the application of the LUDOCREARTE methodology accomplishes a significant increase in creativity and succeeds in  transmitting the expected knowledge. Therefore, we suggest the development of educational methodologies that involve creativity, playfulness and audiovisual art as part of the teaching-learning process.


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Author Biography

Marjorie Denisse Reffray-Vilchez, Universidad Femenina Sagrado Corazón, Perú

Magister en Educación por el arte en la universidad Ricardo Palma, bachiller en Comunicaciones con especialidad en comunicación audiovisual por la Universidad de Lima. Diplomados en guión de cine y
televisión en la Escuela Guionarte en Buenos Aires – Argentina. Segunda vicepresidente en la Asociación Peruana de Comunicadores SIGNIS PERU. Realizadora Audiovisual. Docente en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación de la Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón. Jurado en el Festival de cine de Lima 2018 y
2019. Jurado en el festival de cine BAFICI en Buenos Aires – Argentina 2019. Coordinadora en Comunicación en Proyectos Industriales y Marítimos. Coordinadora en realización audiovisual en Grafito e Ideas publicitarias hasta el 2012. Experiencia en enseñanza de guión y cine para jóvenes y adultos



How to Cite

Reffray-Vilchez, M. D. (2021). Ludocrearte educational methodology and its impact on creativity of fifth grade secondary school students. Educación, 27(1), 41–48.