Public policies focused on the prevention and protection of early childhood in Peru




Public Policies, early childhood, protection, child development, diversity


The implementation of public policies for risk prevention and protection of early childhood continues to be a major challenge for Latin American countries. Although there are international and national regulatory frameworks, policies require articulated multisectoral management with a holistic approach, focusing on developing competencies in those involved in child development: family, school, and community. This process also involves a paradigm shift, banishing the needs-based approach and assuming the human rights-based approach from the perspective of diverse childhoods. The existing regulatory frameworks are still discursive, not operational enough, and disjointed at the different levels of government. This research analyzes the international and national efforts that allowed public policy implementation and reveals how much is being done and how little progress is being made to achieve short and medium-term results that will benefit early childhood.


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Author Biography

María Teresa Moreno Zavaleta, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú - Lima, Perú

Doctora en Ciencias Sociales Niñez y Juventud por la Universidad de Manizales Colombia, grado de Magíster en Gestión Ambiental y Desarrollo -FLACSO. Profesora de Educación Primaria del IPNM, Bachiller en Educación de la UNFV. Licenciada en Nutrición de la Unifé. Segunda Especialidad en Intervención Temprana para niños con y sin necesidades educativas especiales, UNMSM. Ex Directora General de Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes del MIMP; Experiencia en sector público (MINEDU, MIDIS, MIMP, MINSA) y privado (Cáritas del Perú), Cooperación internacional UNICEF, INDES-BID, FAO, OEI. Docente del Diplomado de Actualización en Desarrollo y Aprendizaje del niño de 0 a 2 años, UPCH, docente y asesora de tesis en pregrado y postgrado UNIFE y actualmente PUCP.



How to Cite

Moreno Zavaleta, M. T. . (2022). Public policies focused on the prevention and protection of early childhood in Peru. Educación, 28(1), e2527.