Profile and role of the teacher in inclusive hospital classrooms




hospital teacher, teacher profile, teacher functions, hospital classroom


Hospital classrooms are the space granted and ceded by hospitals to provide education to students - patients who are sick, interns for long or short periods; however, they have the right to continue their education in established classrooms located within a hospital. The hospital teacher is the facilitator and guide in education in multigrade hospital classrooms, where students of different ages and educational levels come to continue developing skills, abilities, capacities, and skills in an integral way, prioritizing, and working with the healthy side of the student - patient. The hospital teacher must have differentiated characteristics, to serve students in a situation of temporary or permanent special educational needs, who in turn are in a situation of vulnerability. Among the most outstanding characteristics of the profile of the hospital teacher, it can be mentioned; be innovative, creative, empathetic, assertive, have communication skills, social skills, and soft skills, which help you to have a link with each of the components of the educational and hospital community in an environment of harmony, democracy, and culture of peace. The hospital teacher must have a direct link with the students, the family, or tutors, and work in constant communication with the multidisciplinary support team of the health area, sharing recommendations and suggestions for work in the classroom, therefore, the teacher must be a flexible person and open to dialogue, with interpersonal skills that lead him to establish an assertive relationship in the classroom.


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Author Biography

Mariella Victoria Mendoza Carrasco, Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón, Escuela de Posgrado, Lima - Perú

Estudios doctorales concluidos en la UNIFÉ; Magíster en Psicopedagogía, en la U. Andrés Bello de Santiago de Chile, egresada de la U. de Lima de la Maestría en Administración Educativa, Magister en Pedagogía Hospitalaria U. de Barcelona. Licenciada en Educación Inicial en la UNIFE, con Diplomado de estudios especializados en Educación Especial en Terapista de Lenguaje, en el I.P.N.E.E, Miembro de la Asociación mundial de Educación Especial, presidenta - fundadora de la “Asociación Peruana para la Inclusión y atención a la diversidad” - ASPELID– Perú. Coautora de la Guía de la Primera Capacitación de Pedagogía Hospitalaria del Ministerio de Educación - MINEDU. Actualmente directora de las Maestrías en Educación de la Escuela de Posgrado – UNIFÉ. y Catedrática en la Escuela de Posgrado en la U. Cayetano Heredia; Con amplia experiencia como voluntaria docente y coordinadora de aula hospitalaria, de la Asociación “Aprendo Contigo” en el Perú, sede del Hospital de neoplásicas - INEN. Ponente en diversos Congresos Internacionales organizados por la Red Latinoamericana y el Caribe de Pedagogía Hospitalaria como representante del Perú, Investigadora y Autora de diversos Artículos de Pedagogía Hospitalaria en revistas indexadas.



How to Cite

Mendoza Carrasco, M. V. (2022). Profile and role of the teacher in inclusive hospital classrooms. Educación, 28(2), e2642.