Analysis of the exceptional measure of preventive intermission and the right to procedural guarantees of the adolescent in conflict with the criminal law on the reason of the sanitary emergency


  • José Yván Saravia Quispe Academia de la Magistratura



Adolescents in conflict with criminal law, preventive hospitalization, infraction of the law, presumption of innocence, doctrine of the irregular situation, doctrine of comprehensive protection, juvenile criminal justice, health emergency.


In this academic work we will analyze the procedural legal figure of preventive confinement, in order to determine if said measure is being applied within the framework and limits of the procedural guarantees established by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Constitution and laws of the specialty. We will reflect on the procedural guarantees that the Judiciary must take into account when deciding on a request for preventive admission. Similarly, we will examine the rights of adolescents deprived of their liberty and which must be guaranteed by the state while they are in their preventive custody, such as the right to health and physical and psychological integrity. Maxima if we are in a situation of health emergency and global pandemic.


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Author Biography

José Yván Saravia Quispe, Academia de la Magistratura

Juez Especializado de Familia de la Corte Superior de Justicia de Lima Este. Ex Fiscal Adjunto Provincial de Familia del Distrito Fiscal de Amazonas. Ex Fiscal Adjunto Provincial en lo Civil del Distrito Fiscal de Lima. Maestría en Derecho Civil y Comercial en la Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal. Doctorado en Derecho en la misma casa superior de estudios. Especialista en Derecho de Familia y Género de la Universidad de Jaén – España. Docente de la Academia de la Magistratura (2019).



How to Cite

Saravia Quispe, J. Y. (2020). Analysis of the exceptional measure of preventive intermission and the right to procedural guarantees of the adolescent in conflict with the criminal law on the reason of the sanitary emergency. Lumen, 16(1), 101–120.