The family interest and its legal relevance for the purpose of the VIII Plenary casatory


  • Juan Carlos Del Aguila Llanos Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos



Family interest, Interest of de child, full civil casatorio


The author analyzes the importance of remembering the existence of interests within the family as a basis to resolve the various conflicts that may occur within the framework of family relationships and even to face the legal gaps that may exist in the regulations that regulate these relationships relatives, as it considers that a systematic interpretation of the specialized norm should be applied, respecting the particularity of Family Law, leaving behind the thought that everything should be resolved only by observing criteria applicable to general norms of Civil Law. This issue is approached from the decision adopted by a majority in the eighth eighth plenary session civil which determined that the non-intervention of both spouses in the provision of a social good is null.


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Author Biography

Juan Carlos Del Aguila Llanos, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Maestría en Derecho Civil y Comercial y Abogado por la UNMSM. Amplia experiencia en procesos judiciales
referidos a Derecho de Familia y Sucesiones. Socio Fundador del estudio especializado en Derecho de Familia
y Sucesiones, “Del Aguila Llanos Abogados S.A.C.” Consultor contratado por el Ministerio de la Mujer (2016).
Autor de los libros “Guía práctica de derecho de alimentos” (año 2015), “Comentarios a la ley 30364 y su reglamento” (año 2019) y “Patria Potestad, Tenencia y Régimen de Visitas. Doctrina y Jurisprudencia” (año 2019). Autor de diversos artículos en Derecho de Familia y Sucesiones en diversas revistas a nivel nacional. Docente exclusivo de LP – Pasión por el Derecho.



How to Cite

Del Aguila Llanos, J. C. (2020). The family interest and its legal relevance for the purpose of the VIII Plenary casatory. Lumen, 16(2), 276–282.