The disabled consumer: Between autonomy, discrimination and administrative justice




Reasonable adjustments, supports, legal capacity, consumer with disabilities, discrimination


 Disabled people in Peru directly participate in contractual consumption relationships to satisfy their desires and needs based on a recognition of their full legal capacity. In this regard, law seeks to ensure their autonomy and access; nevertheless, discrimination appears as an obstacle. This study explores the role of support, reasonable adjustments, and administrative justice in the field of contractual consumption relationships of disabled people. The methodology includes addressing doctrine, legal regulations, and case law on the matter. The conclusion is that support and reasonable adjustments play a fundamental role, along with administrative justice by INDECOPI, in removing obstacles from this contractual scenario to fully include disabled people in society.


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Author Biography

María-Pía Guadalupe Díaz Díaz, Universidad de Turín Turín, Italia

Doctoranda en Derecho en la Universidad de Turín (Italia) y becaria por la misma universidad. Profesora de la Universidad de San Martín de Porres (Perú). Magíster en Derecho Constitucional por la Universidad de Sevilla (España). Magíster en Estudios Interdisciplinares de Género por la Universidad de Salamanca (España). Ex Becaria Universidad de Salamanca. Miembro de la Asociación de Derecho Público Comparado y Europeo (Italia).



How to Cite

Díaz Díaz, M.-P. G. . (2022). The disabled consumer: Between autonomy, discrimination and administrative justice. Persona Y Familia, 11(1), 135–161.