The Research Question


  • Carlos Alberto Ramos Galarza Universidad Indoamérica


Research question, methodology, qualitative and quantitative approaches


The research question is the key aspect in an investigation. Its approach is a product of the idea of research, the deepening of the theory of the phenomenon of interest, the review of previous studies, interviews with experts, among others. In the quantitative approach the research question mentions the study of the objective reality, while in the qualitative approach it mentions the subjective reality. In this article a review is conducted of the process followed in the formulation of a research question and the required characteristics in the different research approaches. In conclusion, it is claimed that the question of qualitative research must possess the characterization of the construction of reality through meanings that emerge during the symbolic interaction of a human group. The question of quantitative research should make reference to the measurement, manipulation, and statistical analysis that may be performed on a certain phenomenon.


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Author Biography

Carlos Alberto Ramos Galarza, Universidad Indoamérica

Licenciado en Psicología por la Universidad Central del Ecuador. Magíster en Neuropsicología Clínica y Rehabilitación Neuropsicológica por la Universidad Central del Ecuador. Diplomado Superior en Pedagogía. Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja. Magíster en Pedagogía por la Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja. Candidato a Doctor (Ph.D.) en Psicología. Universidad de Concepción, Chile. Docente de la Universidad de las Américas.Quito, Ecuador.



How to Cite

Ramos Galarza, C. A. (2016). The Research Question. Avances En Psicología, 24(1), 23–31. Retrieved from