The images of God present in students of initial teacher training




Beliefs, image of God, social representations, youths, students


This article shares the results of the research that was carried out for the purpose of getting the master´s degree. In the study carried out, the images of god that young people were reconstructing and investigated, in order to try to understand what ideas were orienting their decisions in daily life. We worked with a sample of 18 students in the 4th year of initial teacher training at a pedagogical institute in Lima, to whom an interview guide and a focus group guide were applied. The research standpoint was qualitative and the ethnographic type. One of the most important conclusions that it was obtained were that the images of God presented by the students were constructed from beliefs stemming from significant experiences related to relatives and other people from less immediate contexts. In addition, it was also possible to identify that these images of god were not built on the received doctrinal teachings but based on life experiences that were significant to them. Being these images of god the ones that preva´s in his way of understanding, relating and living his faith in god, as well an in his ways of thinking, understading and acting in life.


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Author Biography

Jeanett Milagritos Zapata Barrantes, Escuela Superior Pedagógica Monterrico - Lima, Perú

Formación académica amplia y actualizada: Grado de Magister en Ciencias de la Religión, Segunda Especialidad en Investigación y Gestión Educativa, Especialización en Gestión de la Calidad Educativa principalmente. También cuento con formación académica fuera del país: Cuba, Brasil, y los estudios de Doctorado en México. Posee amplia experiencia laboral en Educación Superior. Primero en la formación inicial de docentes, con énfasis en Teoría de la educación, planificación curricular, asesoramiento de práctica profesional y asesoramiento de proyectos de investigación. Segundo en la formación continua con énfasis en los cursos de Investigación Educativa, acompañamiento pedagógico y directivo. De igual forma, he mantenido óptimas relaciones personales y profesionales en todos los centros donde me he desempeñado laboralmente. Mostrando capacidad de liderazgo para tomar decisiones y generar cambio. Finalmente, en estos últimos 5 años me encuentro dirigiendo la Unidad de Formación Continua de la EESPPM, trabajando en la Universidad Científica del Sur y en la Universidad Femenina, realizando talleres para el Consorcio de Colegios Católicos, participando en la Escuela de Evangelización de la Diócesis del sur; así como elaborando mi informe de tesis para sustentar mi grado de doctora en Ciencias de la Educación.



How to Cite

Zapata Barrantes, J. M. . (2022). The images of God present in students of initial teacher training. Educación, 28(1), e2534.