Pandemic and the pandemony of corruption in third world countries The high failure of action and the result of corruption crimes in emergency situations


  • Elvis Jorge Alcalde Muñoz Universidad Femenina Sagrado Corazón



Devaluation of the action, devaluation of result, unlawful, corruption, public opinion.


This article gives a criminological perspective in relation to modern criminal law and the figure of the devaluation of the action and the result in special crimes such as corruption in situations of national emergency, understanding the figure of devaluation as part of the unlawful element of the crime. On the other hand, it addresses the issue of public opinion as an important factor in the positive or negative assessment of an allegedly criminal act and its participation as a pressure and / or interest group before the State authorities against a fact of social relevance.


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Author Biography

Elvis Jorge Alcalde Muñoz, Universidad Femenina Sagrado Corazón

Doctor en Derecho y Ciencia Política (UNMSM); Magíster en Derecho – Ciencias Penales (UNMSM); Ex Relator de la Corte Suprema de Justicia del Perú - Sala Penal Nacional. Actualmente se desempeña como Asesor y Docente de Pre y Posgrado de Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón – UNIFÉ, y Universidad de San Martín de Porres – USMP.



How to Cite

Alcalde Muñoz, E. J. (2020). Pandemic and the pandemony of corruption in third world countries The high failure of action and the result of corruption crimes in emergency situations. Lumen, 16(1), 44–54.