The paternity leave in Peru: a working father´s right or son / daughter´s right?




This article analyzes the antecedents, foundations and explanatory memorandum of Laws 29409 and 30807, Law that granted the right of paternity leave to workers in public and private activity in Peru and its amendment, respectively.


This article analyzes the antecedents, foundations and explanatory memorandum of Laws 29409 and 30807, Law that granted the right of paternity leave to workers in public and private activity in Peru and its amendment, respectively. The article also delves into the motivations of Peruvian legislators both at the time of legislating for the first time and in the extension of the days of paternity leave; makes an exhaustive analysis of comparative law; points out the errors or mistakes, which in his opinion, remain in the current law; establishes the reasons why paternity leave has not been the expected success and finally addresses the figure of Parental Leave, differentiating it from Paternity Leave.


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Author Biography

Karolina Kira Kriete Urruchi, Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón

Magister en Derecho del Trabajo y la Seguridad Social graduada de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; es Abogada por la Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón; Docente universitaria en dicha casa de estudios; En la actualidad se desempeña como Especialista Parlamentaria encargada de la Secretaría Técnica de Comisiones Ordinarias en el Congreso de la República, donde labora hace 17 años. Ha desarrollado su experiencia profesional en el área del Derecho de Trabajo y en Derecho del Consumidor.



How to Cite

Kriete Urruchi, K. K. (2021). The paternity leave in Peru: a working father´s right or son / daughter´s right?. Lumen, 17(1), 152–172.