The theory of the chess game of Alf Ross and its application in the peruvian legal order




Legal order, current law, rules of conduct, rules of competition


 A comparative analytical study on the validity of the law is offered by the Danish legal philosopher Alf Ross, in his work: "On Law and Justice". Ross will begin his academic journey through a careful observation of the game of chess and argues that the concept of the "validity of law" must be analyzed and interpreted in the same way as the concept of the "current rule of chess". And it is here, where he will provide the meaning of current law. It will also clarify the content of the legal order with the explanation regarding to whom it is directed and what is the meaning of the rules of a national legal order, differentiating and defining for this purpose the rules of conduct and the rules of competence in order to elucidate and understand with the parameters of Ross' thought, the current law and its application in the Peruvian legal order.


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Author Biographies

Millitza Franciskovic Ingunza, Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón Lima- Perú

Abogada por la Universidad de San Martín de Porres, Magíster en Derecho Civil y Comercial por la Universidad de San Martín de Porres y Doctora en Derecho por la Universidad Alas Peruanas. Posgrado en la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)-Argentina y en la Universidad Castilla La Mancha (España). Autora de libros de Derecho ambiental. Docente fundadora del Círculo de Estudios en Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible – CEADES de UNIFE.

Jorge Luis Godenzi Alegre, Universidad de Lima Lima-Perú

Magister en la especialidad de Derecho del Trabajo y Abogado por la Universidad San Martin de Porres. Docente de las asignaturas Derecho Romano y Historia General del Derecho en la Universidad de Lima. Autor de libros sobre Derecho Romano. Articulista y Conferencista.



How to Cite

Franciskovic Ingunza, M., & Godenzi Alegre, J. L. . (2022). The theory of the chess game of Alf Ross and its application in the peruvian legal order. Lumen, 18(1), 53–67.