Form and substance: reorienting research in law




methodology, problems, reading, analysis and elucidation of concepts


 The 21st century has started full of changes in many fields of science, technology and humanities. The novelties in the methodological field and above all in the reality that is the scene of it are abuzz. However, in our environment characterized by academic difficulties, it takes time for debates and news to reach the process of research and academic learning contextualized by our complex process as a society. A decisive aspect on this point is the theory of problems and the elucidation of key concepts.


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Author Biography

Lucas Lavado Malqui, Universidad San Martin de Porres Facultad de Derecho Lima - Perú

Doctor en Educación Y Magister en Docencia Universitaria por la Universidad Nacional de la Cantuta. Magister en Educación por la Universidad San Martin de Porres. Profesor de Filosofía y Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Autor de 8 títulos y más de 450 publicaciones editadas.



How to Cite

Lavado Malqui, L. . (2022). Form and substance: reorienting research in law. Lumen, 18(2), 1–8.