The gender perspective and the protection of property rights of women against divorce




Gender mainstreaming, substantive equality, judiciary, division of assets


 The persistence of subordinated and unequal gender relations affects women preventing them from fully enjoying their substantive right to equality. The gender- neutral language of laws can exacerbate challenges women face for their rights to be acknowledged. For that reason, gender mainstreaming constitutes an effective tool which enables adjudicators to better assess the facts and evidence of a gender-related case and thus construe laws in such a way as to adjust the structural imbalance between men and women. In recent years, courts have resorted more frequently to this tool to adjudicate cases. . However, it is still in an early face as regards the division of marital assets. For that purpose, this papers reviews, as an example, some Argentine judgments in which this approach helped restore the property rights of women.


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Author Biography

María Victoria Pellegrini, Universidad Nacional del Sur Buenos Aires, Argentina

Abogada Especialista en Derecho de Familia en ejercicio profesional. Profesora titular ordinaria de Derecho de Familia y Sucesiones del Departamento de Derecho de la Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS), Argentina. Docenteinvestigadora Categoría III, Programa de Incentivos a docentes-investigadores RSPU 1 y SACT 1 del 12/01/2009 CONEAU, Categorización 2009, Argentina.



How to Cite

Pellegrini, M. V. . (2022). The gender perspective and the protection of property rights of women against divorce. Persona Y Familia, 11(1), 115–134.