Recognition of foreign divorce: a comparative vision between the Latin American and European systems: notes from the Peruvian jurisprudence in the recognition of no judicial divorces


  • Carmen Julia Cabello Matamala Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú



Migration, exequatur, standarization of notary divorces, administrative divorces


This article approaches a topic of increasing incidence in the judiciary system that is the recognition of foreign sentences because of the massive migratory movements currently produced by several factors causing a great economic, social, legal impact and in the relationships of the personnel involved in the family. In this topic is worth noting, the standarization of notary and administrative divorces, whose regulation in the civil laws is spreading in Latin America, although they do not receive similar recognition in the private international law.


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Author Biography

Carmen Julia Cabello Matamala, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

Jueza Suprema (P) de la Corte Suprema del Perú. Profesora de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Doctora en Derecho por la PUCP. Egresada Curso Iberoamericano de especialización Escuela Judicial Consejo General  del Poder Judicial de España 2014.



How to Cite

Cabello Matamala, C. J. (2015). Recognition of foreign divorce: a comparative vision between the Latin American and European systems: notes from the Peruvian jurisprudence in the recognition of no judicial divorces. Persona Y Familia, 1(4), 27–45.