The capacity of the natural person: An analysis of the Civil Code according to the General Law of Disability: A change of visión of the Civil Right for the Human Rights


  • Oreste Gherson Roca Mendoza Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos



Incapacity, disability, curatorship, interdiction, social model, CEDIS


This essay is about the analysis of the capacity establishment of natural persons through the Civil Code, its change of the traditional model to the social one to establish the equality between the persons who are disabled and the ones who are not, according to the international and national standards, starting by the definition of the legal personality, the current regulation of incapacity that is applied to persons who suffer from it or from physical and/or mental impairment, the invalidity of their acts, the curatorship, and interdiction, and its contrast to the social model developed by both, the conventions of human rights and the Law No. 29973, General Law of Disability, and the international and national jurisprudence level, in order to alert its failure and its needed modification, which has been carried out by the Special Committee of Inspection of the Civil Code (CEDIS), for the implementation of the support system.


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Author Biography

Oreste Gherson Roca Mendoza, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Abogado por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM). Estudios de Maestría en Derecho Civil
en la Escuela de Posgrado de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Asesor Legal de la Dirección General de Desarrollo y Ordenamiento Jurídico del Ministerio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos. Asistente de Docencia de Derecho Civil en la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencia Política de la UNMSM. Miembro del Taller de Derecho Civil “José León Barandiarán”. Colaborador permanente de Gaceta Jurídica. Miembro de la Comisión Intersectorial de Derecho Internacional Privado encargada del estudio de los temas tratados en la Conferencia de La Haya sobre Derecho Internacional Privado, mediante Resolución Ministerial Nº 175-2015-JUS. Secretario Técnico del Grupo de Trabajo encargado de revisar y proponer mejoras respecto a la Ley General de Sociedades, constituido por Resolución Ministerial Nº 0182-2014-JUS.



How to Cite

Roca Mendoza, O. G. (2015). The capacity of the natural person: An analysis of the Civil Code according to the General Law of Disability: A change of visión of the Civil Right for the Human Rights. Persona Y Familia, 1(4), 113–137.