Abductive Reasoning and Understanding Science


  • Richard Orozco Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos




Abduction, Scientific Realism, Charles S. Peirce, Logic of Science, Karl Popper, Francis Bacon


 In this paper, the author presents the scientific work interpreted from abductive reasoning. In this way, the fallible character of science becomes evident, overcoming its naive views. The author also shows how this vision of science from abductive reasoning is linked to a way of scientific realism. Instead, the vision of science dependent on inductive and deductive reasoning are, according to the author, quite similar and closer an infallible vision of science. To demonstrate this, the type of reality assumed by both Francis Bacon and Karl Popper is presented, which the author defines as a previously organized independent reality. Finally, the author proposes that the understanding of science from abductive reasoning reveals three peculiarities of it: functionality, the closeness between science and technology, and the limited rationality of science.


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Author Biography

Richard Orozco, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Doctor en filosofía por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Docente nombrado en la UNMSM. Miembro del Instituto de Investigaciones Humanísticas de la UNMSM. Docente en la Maestría de Desarrollo Ambiental en la PUCP. Co-autor del libro Pensamiento y acción. La filosofía peruana a comienzos del siglo XX (Lima: PUCP, 2010). Autor de un capítulo en el reciente libro El pensamiento pragmatista en la actualidad: conocimiento, lenguaje, religión, estética y política. (PUCP, 2015). Autor de numerosos artículos especialmente en temas referidos al pragmatismo norteamericano y a la filosofía de la ciencia.



How to Cite

Orozco, R. (2020). Abductive Reasoning and Understanding Science. Phainomenon, 19(2), 269–280. https://doi.org/10.33539/phai.v19i2.2271