The Ascension to God in the De Musica of Saint Agustin of Hippo




Rhythm, music, harmony, Being, God, creation, path, illumination. Interior, interiority, way, eternal, temporal, law, number.


The quest for God has been a major one in the ancient world. And the question about God as Principle, one of the most important and interesting among the classics. Among the conceptions of God, the Augustinian one considers him as a personal God and as the Being itself. In his De Musica, there is an epistemological path through the rhythm to the eternal harmonies which are in the Being. How is the ascent of the soul possible? Which path did he indicates? This article tries to explain both subjects. First, we will analyze the ascent in Augustine and then how that ascent is possible through rhythm to the eternal harmonies.


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Author Biography

Jean Luis Arana Alencastre, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Perú

Magister y Licenciado en Filosofía por la PUCP, Bachiller en Ciencias con mención en Ingeniería electrónica por la PUCP, estudios concluidos de Maestría por la PUCP. Trabaja como docente en la UPC y en el Instituto Superior de Estudios Teológicos Juan XXIII. Es miembro del grupo Scholastica Colonialis. Sus intereses se ubican en el campo de la filosofía antigua y medieval, en la escolástica medieval, en la metafísica, la ontología,
la ética y la epistemología.



How to Cite

Arana Alencastre, J. L. (2021). The Ascension to God in the De Musica of Saint Agustin of Hippo. Phainomenon, 20(1), 39–52.