Rethinking the University: A Pedagogy for the Present from Paulo Freire




Pedagogy of the oppressed, awareness, banking education, freedom, oppressoroppressed dialectic


This research considers if Paulo Freire’s thought has validity to address contemporary problems of education and its social and cultural implications within the University. It focuses on the aspects that have influenced on the way in which education is conducted and its link with social facets. To this end, the main pedagogical categories Freire presents in his “Pedagogy of the oppressed” are analyzed, such as awareness, banking education and freedom, as well as the social character of his “Pedagogy”, his openness to racial and gender problems, and its connection within the University.


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Author Biography

Karla Mabel Bolo Romero, Universidad Femenina Sagrado Corazón, Perú

Licenciada en Filosofía por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Maestría culminada en Historia de la Filosofía y doctoranda en Filosofía en la Unidad de Posgrado de la UNMSM. Actualmente cursa el Doctorado en Educación en la UNIFE. Se desempeña como docente asociada del Departamento de Filosofía y Teología de la Universidad Femenina Sagrado Corazón y es parte del equipo editorial de la Revista Phainomenon



How to Cite

Bolo Romero, K. M. (2021). Rethinking the University: A Pedagogy for the Present from Paulo Freire. Phainomenon, 20(1), 71–78.