the being and the essence since thomas aquinas and francisco suárez: between realism and idealism?




Immanuel Kant, critique of pure reason, rational theology, philosophy of religion, constriction of reason


This article uses the tension between the unconditioned and the conditioned that Kant detects in the human being and that he presents in the Critique of Pure Reason in order to account for the internal dynamics of the philosophy of religion. In this sense, the work presents the way in which Kant leaves behind dogmatic metaphysics to give way to another, which is the result of the "constriction of reason". Next, the ways in which an attempt is made to condition the unconditioned are presented, both in the case of freedom, in that of thought and in that of spiritual life. The solution to the problem that Kant detects is offered in the abandonment of rational theology and the passage to the resources of critical philosophy, phenomenology, pragmatism or critical theory.


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Author Biography

Alessandro Carlo Caviglia Marconi, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú-Facultad de Humanidades-Departamento Académico de Teología- Lima- Perú

Se ha desempeñado como docente en Escuela Nacional de Administración Pública (ENAP), Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya, Universidad de San Martín de Porres, Universidad Ricardo Palma, Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón (UNIFÉ), Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal. Actualmente, miembro de la Red Iberoamericana "Kant: Ética Política y Sociedad" (RÍKEPS), con sede en Madrid, del Grupo de Investigación en Filosofía Social (GIFS) y del Centro de Estudios Filosóficos (CEF). Ha publicado diversos artículos sobre ética, filosofía política, filosofía del derecho y filosofía de la religión en diversos libros y revistas nacionales y extranjeras. Sus focos de investigación son la ética, la filosofía política, la filosofía del derecho y la filosofía de la religión.



How to Cite

Caviglia Marconi, A. C. (2022). the being and the essence since thomas aquinas and francisco suárez: between realism and idealism?. Phainomenon, 21(2), e2634.