Influence of the corpuscular theory in epistemology of John Locke


  • Arturo Lucas Cabello Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán



Corpuscle, natural philosophy, phenomenon, science, qualities, realism


Locke for his academic studies and his proximity to the scientific work of the natural philosophers, substantially by the link that he had with Robert Boyle’s experimental philosophy, had direct knowledge of the development of the chemistry and physics and all the rise of science in the in the middle of the 17TH century. The wisemen of natural philosophy took as valid the Corpuscular theory to explain the phenomena of reality, one of these was the empiricist philosopher John Locke. In fact, Locke recognized that the internal structure of things were small corpuscular, and with the attitude of a metaphysical realist, recognized his objectivity as something external to perception. Nevertheless, he was skeptical at the epistemological level considering that these particles for being small and insensitive they weren’t available to the cognoscente subject.


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Author Biography

Arturo Lucas Cabello, Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán

Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM), Magister en Sociología por la Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal (UNFV); Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación, Especialidad de Filosofía Psicología y CC.SS, por la Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán - Huánuco (UNHEVAL). Docente de Post Grado de la Universidad Nacional Hermilio Vladizán y la Universidad Nacional Daniel Alcides Carrión-Pasco (UNDAC). Ha desempeñado los cargos de Jefe de Departamento Académico y Decano (2010-2013) de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación- UNHEVAL



How to Cite

Lucas Cabello, A. (2015). Influence of the corpuscular theory in epistemology of John Locke. Phainomenon, 14(1), 67–83.