Sexual abuse in minors, public health problem


  • Rosario Girón Sánchez Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal



Sexual abuse, risk factors, victims


This study systematized information on the size of sexual abuse, reviews the history, symptoms in the short and long term impact on mental health, as well as risk behaviors in this population, prevalence, detection consequences. While there is no limit to being a victim of sexual abuse, the age of greatest risk is at the stage of puberty, probably because at this age express the changes in physical and sexual development as well as the expansion of space socialization. The high number of dysfunctional families, points out the importance in our environment have these events in the genesis of this problem. In particular when the maternal model is a non-assertive woman, oppressed victim of domestic assault, unable to transmit behavioral skills to help their daughters to protect themselves.
Sexual assault can occur in unpopulated areas and remote, but also in public places, crowded and close. It is common that the perpetrators are acquaintances and enjoyed the confidence of victims.


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Author Biography

Rosario Girón Sánchez, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal

Licenciada en Psicología y Magister en Psicologia Clinica por la Universidad Federico Villarreal(UNFV), Doctoranda en Salud Publica por la Universidad Federico Villarreal. Trabajó como perito psicólogo en el Instituto de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses. Docente de la Academia de la Magistratura y docente en la especialidad en Psicología Forense y Jurídica de la (UNFV)



How to Cite

Girón Sánchez, R. (2015). Sexual abuse in minors, public health problem. Avances En Psicología, 23(1), 61–71.